A big yawwwwwnnn. I'm going to wear my retainer and have my beauty sleep now. Good night dearies. ( Psttt, I have a breakfast date with someone handsome tomorrow ♥ )
Thursday, December 29, 2011
gold diggers
My bed time story. Don't worry Mr Boyfriend, I won't apply the techniques they taught in this sumptuously sexy book. ;)
about life,
woman and beauty
Sunday, December 25, 2011
when ♥ is right here
It was a perfect timing when my family came and visited me for this marvelous weekend. As you know or you might not knowing, I am under high load of pressure lately.So-not-cool. So, when they were here, only God knows, how I felt for the rush of excitement. :)
The eldest sister who've been ready to bring her family jalan-jalan around KL.
Stripes make her body looks normal, not as skinny as she is in reality.
The eldest sister who've been ready to bring her family jalan-jalan around KL.
Stripes make her body looks normal, not as skinny as she is in reality.
Travelling for a short distance with LRT is kinda cute but please ensure to roll on your deodorant. hehe~ Oh by the way, the idea of using tokens to replace tickets is kinda stupid, sorry to whom it may concern.
Happy to brought them jalan-jalan and leisuring at the heart of KLCC.How much my sisters have grown up you see. Getting taller inch by inch day by day and I am still small.
Ladies in the family (without Nanie) at mom's favourite shopping spot.
Pampering the tummies with Arabian delights at Half Moon Restaurant. Love your tummy everyday! The rice and tea is awesome and unique.Thank you Kak Da sebab belanja.. :)
So that was the weekend filled with love, laugh, small-fights-macam-selalu, and delicious food. My family already went back home just now and I am home alone as usual updating this blog. Thank you for coming Mum, Dad, and lovely sisters. ♥
Thursday, December 22, 2011
ranting on status
These are some status on facebook that annoy me, a bit. Or more than a bit:
1. "Aaaaaa.. Tidak! Asyik makan coklat je ni.. Gemuppppp la cmni.. ^.^"
but the fact is, she/he is thin. Thin enough. So what will be the feeling of orang-orang yang berisi if they read that status? Rasa nak lempang tak?
2. "Damn, balik lambat lagi harini. Esok meeting dengan consultant pulak. Lusa pergi offshoree.. Weekend pon kerja.. Argh, penatnya"
Kids, remember, do not show off your working schedule openly to public. We understand that you want to share your tiredness, but please, some people may digest it differently as they might think your status is more to 'menunjuk-nunjuk'. Macam ko sorang saje kerja, macam ko sorang saje pergi offshore. Apakah perasaan rakan-rakan yang masih menganggur?
3. "Jangan jadi macam tu, jangan jadi macam ni, tidakkah kita takut pada dosa.. bla bla bla bla"
Status-status berbaur ustaz pilihan. Don't get me wrong, I don't say that I don't like dakwah or good advises.I really appreciate it as sometimes it truly touched to the deep and wake us up from being too duniawi. But what I want to say is, betulkan la dulu diri sendiri, sebelum kita nak betulkan orang. Not all people are credible enough to post such status kot. Ye dak? Kalau stok-stok Matlutfi nak bagi pesanan/dakwah tu tak pe la kan. Tidak poyo dan dia memang terbukti budak baik pon. =)
4. "Shit. Tak guna punya jantan. Ko ingat ko bagus sangat. Dah la tak handsome. Menyampah gila ak tengok muka ko. Dah la tak reti adab, order kat Mcd tak reti beratur, potong turn aku. Tahik!"
Emotional. Too emotional.
5. "Sorry sayang, did'nt meant to hurt you this much.I know I'm stupid. Please forgive me"
Lagenda budak setan tangkap cintan leleh-leleh. Tak kuasa mak.
Moral of the story, kids, please be more matured, don't share too much to public, control your emotion and jangan poyo. Think before you post. Remember, try to post something that will make the world smile back to you. Sorry kalau terasa. Peace.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
i'm yellow and i know it
yellow much?
a pair of yellow sandals. a yellow handbag. and yellow cab's vespas.
what a yellow sunday.
if it's yellow, let it mellow!
yellow is the new pink for me? impossible.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
red and white
Belakangan ini, jiwaku agak rapuh dan mudah stress. Jadi, untuk mengatasi masalah yang kian berleluasa ini, aku mengambil langkah untuk membrowse gambar-gambar cute dan menyedapkan mata memandang di internet. Nampak buang masa, tapi tak kesahlah janji aku bahagia. Inilah hasil kajian aku untuk malam ini.
Comel kan red velvet kek. Geram tengok, tapi tak sampai hati nak makan. Sesuai dijadikan juadah ringan di majlis perkahwinan. Tapi kalau majlis buat kat tengah padang tu tak sesuai la, sat gi habes cair cream tuh.
Kek perkahwinan 3 tingkat yang bisa meruntun jiwa sesiapa saja yang melihatnya. Serius, aku rasa kek ni seksi gila. Lebih tepat lagi seksi dan romantik. =)
Nak jugak dia pun. Syah dah nampak sweet dah tu, tapi aku kureng sikit la. Beg colour hitam. Nampak kurang romantik. Hehe. Patut aku pakai handbag merah juga kan. Kami nampak begitu innocent kerana mampu berwarna sama seperti kain lapik meja dan kerusi. Teknik menyamar seperti sesumpah yang boleh diaplikasikan.
RED and WHITE. KEK dan MANUSIA. Mana lebih manis?
kerepek udang,
my story,
woman and beauty
Sunday, November 27, 2011
wedding dress
Just watched Breaking Dawn with Mr Boyfriend. Oh, I really can't take my eyes of Bella's wedding dress. Simple yet lovely.
Gorgeous kan especially at the back side. =)
p/s: kind of cool to have a wolf boyfriend. boleh dating dalam hutan sambil lari laju-laju. so fast and furious! ok, merapu.
Friday, November 25, 2011
kakak angkat
This is my kakak angkat
i adore her so much
i love her BEAUTIFUL face
i love her SWEET smile
i love her SEXY N SLIM body figure
i love her KECOH attitude
i really fall in love with her GORGEOUS kurung moden (nak buat macam ni la nanti)
and i just love everything about her
she's my role model
i love u kak erra ;)
P/S:Kalau ada contest apa-apa and the reward is makan malam bersama erra, please let me know!
i adore her so much
i love her BEAUTIFUL face
i love her SWEET smile
i love her SEXY N SLIM body figure
i love her KECOH attitude
i really fall in love with her GORGEOUS kurung moden (nak buat macam ni la nanti)
and i just love everything about her
she's my role model
i love u kak erra ;)
P/S:Kalau ada contest apa-apa and the reward is makan malam bersama erra, please let me know!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
lucky am i
I have always been dreaming of getting a bouquet of flowers for my birthday.
But I don't have that courage to tell him how much I love to have them because you know, he's not that soft hearted-romantic-lovey-dovey type pun. He doesn't meoww, but he roarrsss! Haha, u got me? I'm confident enough, he will totally laugh at me if I request such things.
So it's better to just leave my dream far far away. As the song says, it was too good to be true. =(
But, suddenly, this thing was delivered to my office yesterday. Ya, Allah! Biar betul mamat neh!
24 blooming roses for a 24 years old lady. Thank you honey!! You are way sweeter than I ever thought and I'm very lucky =)
Life happens when you least expect it.
Wait, you can really read my mind or what?
Saturday, November 12, 2011
menari dalam kegelapan
hidup kita umpama roda.
kadang kat atas, kadang kat bawah.
tapi bila kat atas, rasa takut.
takut sangat.
risau jatuh meluncur ke bawah. =(
kadang kat atas, kadang kat bawah.
tapi bila kat atas, rasa takut.
takut sangat.
risau jatuh meluncur ke bawah. =(
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Dewasa ini, aku semakin menjadi pemandu yang tegar.
Tanpa aku sedar, banyak usia aku habis di jalanan.
Kereta, radio, dan lebuh raya sudah menjadi teman seperjuangan.
Sampaikan suatu ketika, aku nak buka pintu bilik aku, apa aku buat?
Aku keluarkan kunci kereta dan tekan butang di kunci tersebut. Ingat pintu bilik tu pintu kereta kah?
Dah 2 kali benda ni berlaku.
Errr. Songsang sudah otak aku kadang-kadang. -_-"
Thursday, November 3, 2011
of songs and memories
When I hear songs, I can really rewind back to the memories that took place in my life before. I guess it happens to you as well sometimes. Ye dok mung? Kind of interesting actually, thinking of how your mind can relate to sounds.
For example:
Stick with you, by Pussycat Dolls:
I remembered the 2nd semester of my foundation study in UTP. I was single (and naughty) at that time. Hehe. I remembered eating nasik lemak 2 bungkus with my rumate after attending the Math Tutorial every Monday afternoon. We didn't learned that much, but we got hungry much =)
Dealova, Once:
I remembered my 1st year degree study.I remembered my happy moments with beloved housemates at 5.1 apartment, sharing food and gossiping at the kitchen. I remembered the feeling of getting "in a relationship" for the very 1st time in my life. Asal free je pergi dating. Indahnya dunia ada boyfriend =)
I remembered my life during internship. I remembered the engineers in PFK. I remembered the fully-utilised-weekends. I remembered wearing coverall to the karoke box. Indahnya intern =)
Just can't get enough, Black Eyed Peas
I remembered working with my previous company, around KLCC. I remembered Kak Maria. I remembered the date-after-work-moment. I remembered dating with him in the train. =)
See, life is beautiful as you remember it. Guide your memory with sounds and music. =)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
antara angan dan sedar
Hai, welcome!. Jemputlah masuk ke rumah saya. Anda pasti terpegun dan terpesona. =)
Ini ruang tamu saya. Tak besar sangat tapi siling dia tinggi, membuatkan ruang tampak lebih luas, cuba anda tengok. Konsep rumah saya moden-moden klasik gitu. Perabot tak perlu banyak, cukup sekadar memenuhi keperluan. Saya suka, anda bagaimana?
Ok, ruang ni agak privacy, tapi saya nak tunjuk jugak. Ini bilik saya dan suami. Maaflah, katil tak berapa nak kemas. Sebab selalu husband saya yang kemaskan, tapi minggu ni dia tak ada, pergi offshore. Ni kalau dia tengok tak kemas ni mesti dia marah, kuat membebel pakcik tu.
Ini bilik tidur my lovely daughters. Both of them love white so much, so that's why I choose white bed for them. Ada feeling macam princess sikit. Oh ya, my daughters are twin. Dua-dua pun cantik.
This one is my son's room. Dia prefer colour-colour yang gelap sikit. So, nak neutralkan balik, I letak furnitures yang berwarna cerah. Barulah bilik tak nampak dull sangat kan. Bilik ni dia baru kemaskan sebab mama dia nak tangkap gambar. Hehe~
And, this is the dining table, where I always serve food for my family and guests. I really love the vase with flowers on the table. That vase, my husband yang belikan last year time kami travel dekat Europe. Dah puas cari kat Malaysia, tak ada vase cantik macam tu kat sini.
FYI, 70% from the furnitures, I bought from IKEA. From bed, sofas, tables, chairs, curtains and wallpapers semua I shopping kat situ. Tak mahal sangat, affordable.
Omay, stop it! Aduhai, seronoknya berangan!! Harap-harap jadi kenyataan. Insyaallah~ =)
p/s: rumah tersebut ialah rumah contoh di Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak.
Friday, October 21, 2011
this is hot!
This is the picture that we'll definitely make me smile, alone.
One of the best moment in my life.
See the title: Penerima Anugerah, macam hebat je bunyi kan.. hehe~
p/s:I rarely make peace pose, so this picture is considered rare.. =)
This is the picture that we'll definitely make me smile, alone.
One of the best moment in my life.
p/s:I rarely make peace pose, so this picture is considered rare.. =)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
i, i love u like a love song baby!
What makes you happy?
When you are not working, away from boss and documents, spending your precious weekend with lovely sunshines, staying for a night at a nostalgic place, and the most important thing is, sleeping and lying freely on the UTP bed. Maakk aiiii, sangat sedap comfy gila I tell you! =)
This is muka-muka kepuasan-dapat-tidur-tilam-UTP
And the main purpose of visiting UTP is not because of the tilam only, it's MAR's convocation!!!. I'm really proud and happy for you babe. You did it!
I, I love you like a long song baby.
When you attend a convocation ceremony, beware of paparazi girlsss.
They were everywhere, but I know, we like it though. =)
I, I love you like a love song baby. I am too carried away with this song I guess.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Not all of us are blessed with being super photogenic.
So, what's the solution?
Crop your picture.
Then only the photo will be lovely, as lovely as tutti frutti.
So, what's the solution?
Then only the photo will be lovely, as lovely as tutti frutti.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
miss rindu
You're always there for me through ups and downs in life.
You're always there to laugh with, or to lend your ears when I'm sad.
Down at the mall even though we had no money.
Laughing at anything and everything, yet none of it was funny.
Walking around the block, or watching movies all day,
We never really ran out of things to say.
Really miss you friends. :(
Monday, October 10, 2011
weird but funny
Aku dalam perjalanan pergi ke office dari rumah sepupuku di Seri Kembangan. Sedang khusyuk memandu, tiba-tiba cemas sebentar sebab kad touch n go dikhuatiri kurang nilai. Tapi rasa macam masih ada duit dalam kad tu, tapi was-was. Jadi tidak mengapa, ku ambil langkah selamat pergi ke lorong tunai.
Aku : Berapa dik?
Mamat tol: 1.60..
Aku : 1.00?? (biasa lah pekak)
Mamat tol: 1.60..
Aku : (menghulurkan duit)
Mamat tol: Akak, nak tanye sket boleh.?
Aku : Ape die.. (Neves plak.. Ingat dia nak tegur jerawat aku sebab ada
seketul naik kat pipi..)
Mamat tol: Akak buat braces berape ringgit eh?
Aku : Haha.. RM - - - -
Mamat tol: Mak aii.. ok..
Aku : (Melemparkan senyuman besi)
Aduhai. Tak pernah terfikir dan terlintas di otak bahawa orang tol nak tanye pasal braces. Nampak sangat elastic band pink aku neh mengancam, sampai orang nak tegur kan? Haha. Tergelak aku sorang-sorang teringat mamat tol punya kisah. Gelak-punya-gelak aku salah masuk jalan. Sesat 20 minit. KL!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
BRA - ces
Doktor: Bulan depan kite buka braces eh.
So, nak pilih color lain tak for your elastic band since this is your
last month wearing braces?
Me : Nak, Pink!!!
I don't have the idea whether that pink band will be nice or funny on my teeth. But, whatever! Who cares by the way. You noticed that people? I'll be removing my braces next month. No words can describe how happy am I at this moment of truth. One month to go baby =)
Should learn how to smile with open mouth on camera. Hihi~
Thursday, October 6, 2011
You know what people, I just hate being judged. =(
What I don't hate is, driving my car back home from work every single day. =)
Life is hard.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
high and tide
As the waves broke on the shores,
I woke up early like a career mother,
As my heart rides to travel in darkness,
I drove in passion like a boat speeder.
I woke up early like a career mother,
As my heart rides to travel in darkness,
I drove in passion like a boat speeder.
neither a photographer nor a forklift driver.
so who am i?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
ambil berkat
'Kecoh la minah dan mamat kat atas nih. Bercinta punya la lama, kahwin tak jugak. ' Pasti itulah kata-kata kurang manis yang bermain di kotak fikiran rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang sudah bosan dan lali dengan kisah percintaan kami, bukan? Tapi tidak mengapa, slow-slow la kan, tak perlu terburu-buru. Biaq p la depa kawen dulu, sebab depa dah ready mentally, physically and financially. Tapi untuk I yang masih muda remaja dan belum mencecah 24 ni kan (auuwww, i'm so young!!), I'm still not well-prepared actually. Bangun pagi pon liat, macam mana nak prepare sahur untuk suami. Betul?
Berbalik kepada tajuk asal, 'ambil berkat'. Ok la tu kan, at least aku ada la jugak pergi wedding kawan-kawan, konon-konon untuk 'ambil berkat'. Kira ada la jugak insiatif untuk mendorong diri melangkah ke alam baru. (cehh, padahal seronok sebab dapat makan free, dasar gadis kurus kering)
Tapi aku sangat kagum la dengan diri sendiri, sebab apa? Asal aku pergi wedding je, baju aku mesti same kaler dengan theme, padahal tak tau pon theme wedding tu apa. Tengok, power tak power aku ni?
Memang power. Ops, sorry for being awesome! =)
p/s: doakan lah yang terbaik untuk couple-couple tua macam dua orang kat atas nih dan untuk mereka-mereka yang single di luar sana.
anjakan paradigma,
special day
Saturday, September 17, 2011
met a bad guy
I knew a guy.
a batch mate of mine at UTP.
he was obviously not my type (except for his sharp nose).
i don't hate him, but i just don't like him.
his flaws and imperfections were always caught into my eyes.
and i don't know why.
one day, i saw him smoking while walking throughout the cafeteria.
and that had just added to his negativity factor and with a very serious tone, I give a sincere advice to my roommate.
me: nor, lelaki macam tu, ko jangan buat boyfriend!
nor: ok2..
and you know what happen to that guy?
he's my boyfriend.
we've been together for 5 years and 3 months.
a batch mate of mine at UTP.
he was obviously not my type (except for his sharp nose).
i don't hate him, but i just don't like him.
his flaws and imperfections were always caught into my eyes.
and i don't know why.
one day, i saw him smoking while walking throughout the cafeteria.
and that had just added to his negativity factor and with a very serious tone, I give a sincere advice to my roommate.
me: nor, lelaki macam tu, ko jangan buat boyfriend!
nor: ok2..
and you know what happen to that guy?
he's my boyfriend.
we've been together for 5 years and 3 months.
life is full of surprises, huh? =)
about life,
old school,
Monday, September 5, 2011
oh may, oh man!
I am Omay. Physically, I'm not tough. I don't play sport, so I guess I'm not that fit. I'm thin. Very thin. I'm not fierce. I'm not loud. I don't have male siblings. I studied at Convent for 6 years. All in all, I think I can classify myself as 'LEMBIK'. Hehe~
So, can you imagine this LEMBIK girl working in a remote area, at a gas terminal that is congested with guys, horrible roads and trailers? Yes, there are 79 guys working there and she's the only lady. Sounds scary? Nope, I think that's hot! =) But you know what, working with guys isn't that hard actually:
1. You will feel very special as you are the only rose among the thorns.
2. They will definitely treat you well.
3. Working with guys is way more relaxing than working with ladies. Seriously!
4. Surely less dramas at the workplace.
5. They will respect you more. The best!
It's just that, one thing about guys that you can't avoid is.. their dirty jokes. Have to bear with it. Oh, man.....
Back to the topic, besides the facts of working with all-men, what I'm trying to potray here is that, you will never know your strength until you are tested by Him. Belum cuba belum tahu. Just be positive as much as you can and enjoy the flow. That's what I learnt most about life. So always be strong ladies!
lapar. si kurus mahu supper!
about life,
anjakan paradigma,
Saturday, September 3, 2011
satu hari di hari raya!
Ini hari raya versi saya.
Di malam raya, ruang tamu adalah ruang yang paling cantik dan berada dalam keadaan terbersih. Mat Salleh cakap, tip-top. Esoknya tu tak bersih sangat dah, sebab cebisan-cebisan biskut dan butiran-butiran badam sudah bertaburan di permaidani nan merah itu. Setuju? Adakah anda juga begitu?
Di pagi raya, abah comel sudah segak bergaya. Diperhatikan, darjah ketinggian perut sudah bertambah sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan bulan puasa. Nampak tak?
Di pagi raya, adik bongsu pasti akan menggayakan pose oh-akulah-adik-bongsu-yang-comel sambil menguyah biskut cornflakes madu buatan sendiri.
Di pagi raya juga, adik yang tak berapa bongsu sibuk berdampingan dengan alat telekomunikasi. Biasalah, orang-orang muda memang macam tu. "Weh, baju raya hang kaler apa, aku punya tak dak kaler"
Di tengahari raya, semasa di dalam kereta, adik yang pertama dan paling bahagia saiznya, pasti akan mengambil gambar sendiri. Spesies ini pandai menggayakan tudung jenis lilit-lilit.
Itulah sahaja coretan hari raya saya. Sayangilah keluarga anda, terutamanya keluara asas anda. Sebelum kita berdebat kencang untuk membetulkan dunia, betulkan dulu keluarga asas kita. Apa guna tuding jari merata-rata, kalau anak, isteri, menantu, suami sendiri pon caca merba. Kan?
Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir dan Batin. =)
p/s:sorry gambar mak tak dak, mak-mak ni payah sikit nak bergambar
about life,
special day
Sunday, August 28, 2011
a room of improvement
This is definitely one of the best place for girls, - a room of improvement.
What do we do in this room? (other than trying out new shopping items)

1. Fixing tudung/shawl/whatever to be tuned
2. Strengthening the bonding between sisters (?)
3. Strengthening the bonding between sisters version 2
4. Strengthening the bonding between sisters version 3 (bley tahan poyo jugak adik-adik aku nih)
5. Yeah, we do get bored in this room at times
6. So, before the salesgirl knock on the door, you should better take one last bajet-comel-shot, like this. Alololololo~
7. Just wondering, would it be nice if the room of improvement is equipped with such comfy sofas? Baru best.
In conclusion, there is a lot of things to be improved in this room of improvement.
Monday, August 8, 2011
OMAY and her noob ACCIDENT
Pada suatu pagi Jumaat di bulan Ramadhan yang indah, seorang wanita bekerjaya menghidupkan enjin Personanya. Damn, bosan gila cerita. Ok, cerita betul dia macam ni:
Aku on the way nak pergi office. Ada lah dalam 2-3 minit lagi nak sampai, tiba-tiba..... Ada sebuah lori dtg dari arah hadapan, yg mana jalan tu hanyalah 1 lane.. Kancil depan aku, breeekkkkk!!! Aku pon dgn cemasnya breeekkkk!!! Lepas aku brek tu ada macam bunyi pelik ala-ala geseran.. Jantung aku berdegup kencang! Darah aku dipam dengan menggunakan pressure yang sangat tinggi. Aku ingatkan aku sudah langgar kereta depan, rupanya tidak. Kereta depan ok, jadi aku assume aku langgar batu/ lubang besar kat tengah jalan tadi. Tapi aku lupa, ada sebuah kereta lagi kat blkg, bila aku tgk kereta tu, driver dia pon macam rileeeekk jee.. Maknanya tak de pape la tu.. Tapi hatiku tak sedap.. Dan setelah sampai office, aku menunjukkan skill reverse parking aku yang makin lama aku rasa makin bagus. Selepas itu, tanpa berlengah aku tengok bumper depan, ok. Aku tengok bumper belakang.. SHHHIIITTT!! (aku cakap dlm hati la)
Bumper belakang telah diperkosa. Sudah lari dari bracket. Ada pecah-pecah sedikit. Aku telah dilanggar lari.. SHIITT sekali lagi. (juga dalam hati).. Terus telefon Mr Boyfriend.. (Standard la kalau awek-awek accident ni, mesti call pakwe punyer lah.. Bajet manja la tu) Lepas call boyfriend, dok sorang-sorang dalam office nanges-nanges sikit. Tapi sikit jer la, tak leh banyakk, tempat aku lelaki semua, aku perlu tunjuk tough depan depa semua tu.. Iron lady mesti kuat (walau kurus)!
note to self:
1. baca doa naik kenderaan, haritu seriously lupa
2. jangan bukak radio kuat, haritu terbukak radio kuat
3. jaga jarak antara kereta
4. even rasa terlanggar batu pon, sila turun dari kereta secepat mungkin, check la. noob!
5. alert dengan persekitaran
FRIENDS, pandu cermat jiwa selamat, langgar lari dapat balasan di akhirat. Assalamualaikum!
Aku on the way nak pergi office. Ada lah dalam 2-3 minit lagi nak sampai, tiba-tiba..... Ada sebuah lori dtg dari arah hadapan, yg mana jalan tu hanyalah 1 lane.. Kancil depan aku, breeekkkkk!!! Aku pon dgn cemasnya breeekkkk!!! Lepas aku brek tu ada macam bunyi pelik ala-ala geseran.. Jantung aku berdegup kencang! Darah aku dipam dengan menggunakan pressure yang sangat tinggi. Aku ingatkan aku sudah langgar kereta depan, rupanya tidak. Kereta depan ok, jadi aku assume aku langgar batu/ lubang besar kat tengah jalan tadi. Tapi aku lupa, ada sebuah kereta lagi kat blkg, bila aku tgk kereta tu, driver dia pon macam rileeeekk jee.. Maknanya tak de pape la tu.. Tapi hatiku tak sedap.. Dan setelah sampai office, aku menunjukkan skill reverse parking aku yang makin lama aku rasa makin bagus. Selepas itu, tanpa berlengah aku tengok bumper depan, ok. Aku tengok bumper belakang.. SHHHIIITTT!! (aku cakap dlm hati la)
Bumper belakang telah diperkosa. Sudah lari dari bracket. Ada pecah-pecah sedikit. Aku telah dilanggar lari.. SHIITT sekali lagi. (juga dalam hati).. Terus telefon Mr Boyfriend.. (Standard la kalau awek-awek accident ni, mesti call pakwe punyer lah.. Bajet manja la tu) Lepas call boyfriend, dok sorang-sorang dalam office nanges-nanges sikit. Tapi sikit jer la, tak leh banyakk, tempat aku lelaki semua, aku perlu tunjuk tough depan depa semua tu.. Iron lady mesti kuat (walau kurus)!
note to self:
1. baca doa naik kenderaan, haritu seriously lupa
2. jangan bukak radio kuat, haritu terbukak radio kuat
3. jaga jarak antara kereta
4. even rasa terlanggar batu pon, sila turun dari kereta secepat mungkin, check la. noob!
5. alert dengan persekitaran
FRIENDS, pandu cermat jiwa selamat, langgar lari dapat balasan di akhirat. Assalamualaikum!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
sweetest finding
Sewaktu di UTP dulu, Miss Omay telah menjalankan sebuah siasatan tentang Mechanical Engineering students dan Chemical Engineering students. Berdasarkan hasil kajian selama 5 tahun, 1 konklusi telah dapat dikenalpasti.
Jejaka-jejaka MECHE suka bercinta dengan awek-awek CHEME. Betul. Tak tipu.
Sebab apa? Mari kita siasat dan menganalisa sebab-sebab di sebalik pemerhatian ini.
1. MECHE dan CHEME banyak combine kelas semenjak dari foundation lagi. Mungkin sebab tu lah banyak interaksi yang telah berlaku di antara 2 course ni.
2. Budak lelaki MECHE lebih otai dan handsome dan awesome.
3. Budak perempuan CHEME lebih ayu dan hot dan awesome jugak!!! =)
4. MECHE dan CHEME course yang paling glamour kat UTP. (tak ada kaitan)
5. MECHE dan CHEME memang ada chemistry yang sangat kuat.
Terima kasih. Saya suka kawan dengan budak MECHE. Saya suka bercinta dengan budak MECHE.Gatal.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
wasn't a mistake
For any decision that we made,
for any path that we took,
for any chance that we grabbed.
as long as it is legal, and always hold the blessings of our families and friends,
it will remain right and definitely wasn't a mistake.
i move forward without regret, took a step back, and I'm glad for what i have now.
I don't look at what I have achieved, I look at what I have been through to stand at this point.
And you know what, I think I am stronger than yesterday. Totally.
Friday, April 1, 2011
tips for a simple and perfect reunion
rule no 1: Please bring your roommate along
rule no 2: Try to get a really comfortable(free) homestay
rule no 3: Create a beautiful and lovely moment with you roommate. auuuuuuuww~
rule no 4: Take a lot of pictures at kedai makan.
rule no 5: Avoid fast food, eat more nasik
rule no 6: Last but not least, pick the right friends for your reunion.
(ignore the over-posed asset)
so, i love you my friends.. =)
p/s: hoping for a bigger reunion deariesssss~
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